

A commonly held belief about sharks is their apparent savagery and willingness to attack anything. I also think such a thing because I often hear sharks attack people. But this is in fact a fallacy as shark attacks are comparatively rare. we are more likely to be attacked by an elephant or a crocodile. The reason why we are more likely to be attacked by an elephant or a crocodile is we share habitats with them, and hence are more likely to come into contact with them. Thus shark attacks are very low. No more than a handful a year, mostly non-fatal and usually provoked by the victim. Although researchers about sharks say such a opinion, I can not agree with this opinion because many people were killed by sharks. I have heard shark like to eat humans.

Fishermen also report that sharks are sometimes attracted by the struggles between fishermen and fish, and turn on a boat and and attack it, even when it is much larger than the shark and clearly not edible. In the past such shark attacks have resulted in serious damage to the fishing vessels as well as to the fisherman's nerves. I am sure sharks can not understand the thing what can eat or not.

Now researchers have now found a possible explanation for this apparent ruthlessness and aggressiveness. Sharks have a sense what could be described as a sixth sense. Their sense of hearing, smell and sights of some sharks can be exceptionally good. However, when they are going to go in for the kill, they are too close to smell or hear their prey, and as their eyes are located on the opposite side of their head from their mouth, they must rely upon the electronic pulses emitted by their prey. I have heard such a thing before. According to my memory, this ability is so accurate and sensitive that in experiments sharks have been able to detect even electrical currents of less than a single ampere. I think sharks may be smarts what we think so like dolphins. Many researchers now believe that the presence of a metal boat or electronic equipment on a boat can confuse a shark's electrical reception abilities, leading them to attack even an inanimate object such as a boat.( words 486 total 14786)

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